Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Most Important Reason

Three days ago, I was swamped with work.
I had so many articles to write, so many meetings to plan, so many business concerns… But my wife said, “Please bring Francis to the Barbershop. He’ll be a ring bearer.” That’s the disadvantage of having a cute son. He gets to be ring bearer a lot.
So I put aside all my work in the afternoon and brought him to the Barber.
After the haircut, I was thinking that we were going back home so I could work. That was when 4-year old Francis said, “Daddy, I’m hungry.”
So we marched to Jollibee and he ate chicken and rice at 4 in the afternoon!
Again, as we were leaving, I was presuming I could now go back to work. But Francis tugged on my arm again and said, “Daddy, I’m still hungry.” My gosh. Where does this little guy put all that food?
Later on, I realized he was hungry not for food but for love. Specifically, hungry for Daddy’s love.
So we kept on walking, visiting other shops, until he saw a playground. His eyes grew large and said, “Daddy, can I play?”
I believe life is about moments. So I bought myself a cup of coffee, sat on a park bench, and enjoyed watching my 4-year old jump from one slide to another.
We had the grandest time.
Why did I disrupt my whole afternoon for Francis?
Because I’m his father and he’s my son.
He’s more important than all my work.
He’s more important than all my ministries.
He’s more important than all the books I write and all the talks I give.
Friend, this is the ultimate reason why you need to like yourself.
Because you have a Father who loves you so much.
You’re more important than all the stars in the sky.
You’re more important than all the galaxies of this universe.
In the heart of God, nothing compares with you.
If He loves you this much, how can you not like yourself?
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez

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